Embark on a captivating journey into the lives of Roy and Brenda, an extraordinary couple whose stories intricately depict their remarkable experiences.

Roy Hurley, born in April 1942 in Wales, faced the twists of fate early in life. At just 18 months, he was put in the care of Dr. Barnardos, an organization committed to caring for orphans across the country. Fostered at the tender age of five, Roy, along with his brother, embarked on a transformative journey in the quaint town of Bingley, Yorkshire. He would stay with that family up to adulthood. Roy would move on to find professional successes including attending Harvard University in Switzerland, become chair of the Lloyd syndicate in London, and worked as a volunteer in the prison service as a board monitor.

Listen Again

Brenda and Roy Hurley

He found personal fulfillment in the union with Brenda, his lifelong companion and confidante. Roy’s wife, is a master storyteller who initially wove her tales through the strokes of a paintbrush. Brenda’s art, a reflection of fresh fields, figures, and still-life, served as windows into life's rich tapestry. However, in 2012, a new muse emerged. Captivated by intricate carvings, Brenda discovered her ability to paint with words. Her stories unfold with elements of romance, spirituality, and a touch of magic, seamlessly blending the ordinary with the extraordinary.

Brace yourselves for an enchanting episode as Roy and Brenda take center stage, sharing their connection to adoption and creative interchanges. Don't miss this unique showcase of life, love, and the magic that happens when two extraordinary worlds collide!

Anna Jinja mather

host and producer

Anna Jinja Mather was adopted from Seoul, Korea, and grew up in Iowa. Her heart is filled with love for people and their stories. By sharing her adoption story and all that she is learning to help her navigate through personal and professional challenges, she hopes that this will lead us to believe, accept, and value the inherent worthiness of all people.

She has dedicated her life to a number of nonprofit organizations and causes as a volunteer or employee, which has led to a myriad of unexpected opportunities and adventures – including stepping into the role of a radio producer and host at KHOI 89.1 FM.

Anna recently relocated to Athens, Ohio, from Ames, Iowa, where she served as the executive director of Able Up Iowa, a non-profit helping people of all abilities become independent. Her previous employment includes working for several nonprofit organizations, including Habitat for Humanity, Kids Voting, and the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company.

Thanks to Hope (a wise mutual friend), Anna met and fell in love with a marvelous man named Pete while he was traveling in the Pacific Northwest during his car-top tent adventure. In 2022, Pete surprised Anna with a marriage proposal at their favorite wine bar on April 12. The next week, they were married at the Ames Public Library. She now lives happily with her husband, Pete, and their dog, Floyd, in the little blue house of happiness.

Anna invites you to join her learning adventure by listening to the people and creative content that makes her feel at home in this world.